Two pastors and parents discuss providing spiritual counsel to those in hospice and the legacy of Mary's son, Reginald
AMP Stories
An AMP Interview Stories, Historic, AIDS Organization / Leader, Caregiving, Family / Loved Ones, Women, Men, Black / African American

Rev Mary Diggs-Hobson & Rev Lee Hobson
Rev. Mary Diggs-Hobson and Rev. Lee Hobson hold hands as they share their introduction to HIV/AIDS and the death of Mary’s son Reginald. With her internship at Bailey-Boushay House, Mary was a youthful spiritual advisor who listened and found the human side of the epidemic. She tasked herself with locating the right spiritual source for each person she encountered – holding hands and crying with people young and old. Both Reverends speak about the stigma within the Church, which could run so deep. Reginald’s own experience inspired the creation of AARTH (African American Reach & Teach Health Ministry). The organization’s goal to educate, reduce infections, and eliminate stigma of HIV/AIDS is a tribute to him.